> Affiliate

Affiliate Information Sharing Opt Out

Please complete the following form if you want to limit certain types of sharing of your personal information between Renasant Bank and its affiliates. If you do not want to limit sharing, no action is necessary. You may change your selection at any time.

I.       About You

Please enter the information below so we can apply any Opt Out selection (further below) to the correct individual. We will only use the information below for purposes of the affiliate information sharing opt out.

Personal Name
Business Entity
Mailing Address
Social Security Number or Tax ID
City, State, Zip
Email Address
Phone Number
Account #
Account Currently Held With
Account Type Other
Is this a Joint Account?

II.       Renasant Affiliate Information Sharing Options

If you do not want Renasant Bank and its Affiliates to engage in the below type of affiliate information sharing practices, please select “Opt Out.” No action is needed if you do not want to Opt Out.

  •   Sharing information about your creditworthiness or other information between Affiliates and
  •   Sharing information between Affiliates for our Affiliates to market to you.

Opt Out

If you have previously Opted Out and would like to change your preference, please select Opt In and click Submit.

Opt In

Please see Renasant’s Privacy Policy for further information on our Affiliates and for any information sharing unrelated to Affiliates.